Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Extreme weather alert

Iggy tropical cyclones formed in the Indian Ocean on Thursday (1/26/2012) at 07.00 pm. Location of its formation 1080 kilometers southwest of Denpasar. Three days into the future, the tropical cyclone is expected to grow and potentially cause an impact of extreme weather in Indonesia.

"Today, the extreme weather that occurs in the form of high winds with little rain, except in areas of West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara. Apart from tropical cyclones Iggy, there is still a low pressure center in the northern waters of Australia," said the head of the Tropical Cyclone Subfields Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) Fachri Radjab yesterday.

According to him, a low pressure center in the northern waters of Australia is expected to make landfall today and decays. Iggy cyclones moving to the southeast could be stronger.

Wave height

Appropriate agencies in Perth, Australia, said on Thursday Iggy cyclone has maximum winds of 75 kilometers per hour. On Friday is expected to increase to 100 kilometers per hour. The next day, Saturday, an estimated 140 kilometers per hour.

The Sunday estimated 165 kilometers per hour. The rest can not be predicted.

According to the Head of the Public Meteorological Information BMKG Mulyono Prabowo, wind speed caused by the intensity of the cyclone will affect the height of sea waves. BMKG issued a cyclone warning Iggy impact of sea wave height 4-6 meters in the Indian Ocean in southern Lampung to NTT.

Also predicted that high waves hit the Timor Sea, Sea Island, Sea of ​​Sumbawa, Arafuru Sea and South China Sea. Wind speeds above 36 kilometers per hour are estimated to occur in southern Sumatra, Java, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara region. Strong winds also swept the region in the Java Sea waters.

According Fachri, the length of the cyclone Iggy can not be predicted whether it will stand up to the peak tides in the waters north of Jakarta and its surroundings, 2-6 February 2012. "Although it does not coincide with the tides, cyclone effects of flooding should still watch out," said Fachri. (NAW)


Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

claim code blog on technorati

how to claim blog code on technorati

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Kamis, 16 Februari 2012



5. Berat sebuah benda di kutub lebih besar daripada di khatulistiwa sebab lebih dekat ke .......
A. magnet bumi
B. poros bumi
C. pusat bumi
D. magma bumi

Jawaban : C
SMP/Ebtanas/Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam/Tahun 1990
Penyelesaian :
Berat suatu benda didefinisikan sebagai gaya yang bekerja pada benda itu karena tarikan bumi. Makin dekat dengan pusat makin besar tarikan itu, dirasakan, jaraknya makin jauh dari pusat bumi makin kecil tarikan itu. Bumi kita tidaklah bulat sempurna tetapi pada kutub-kutubnya agak pepat sehingga permukaannya dekat dengan pusat bumi, sedangkan khatulistiwa menggelembung sehingga permukaannya jauh dari pusat bumi.

6.Bila keempat pasak di bawah ini masing-masing dipukul dengan gaya yang sama, maka yang menancap paling dalam pada tanah adalah .......

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

Jawaban : C
SMP/Ebtanas/Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam/Tahun 1991
Penyelesaian :

Semakin kecil A ( tuas penampang ) semakin besar tekanannya. Sehingga semakin dalam menancapnya pada tanah.

selamar belajar semoga bermanfaat . Download


Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Latihan UN IPA SMP

berikut adalah contoh Latihan Ujuan  Nasional IPA untuk kelas SMP , beserta Kunci jawaban nya

Tentukan rumus resultan gaya-gaya yang bekerja pada benda .......
A. F1 - F2 - F3
B. F1 - F2 + F3
C. F1 + F3 - F2
D. F1 + F2 - F3

Jawaban : D
SMP/Ebtanas/Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam/Tahun 1988
Penyelesaian :
Tentukan rumus resultan gaya-gaya yang bekerja pada benda :

R = F1 + F2 - F3

2. Ikan yang hidup di laut yang dalam, bentuk badannya ramping dan dapat bergerak dengan cepat. Peristiwa ini adalah akibat .......
A. gaya tekan air terhadap badan ikan kecil
B. tekanan air terhadap ikan besar
C. ikan beradaptasi terhadap lingkungan laut
D. ikan memiliki sisi untuk mengurangi tekanan air

Jawaban : C
SMP/Ebtanas/Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam/Tahun 1989
Penyelesaian :
Ikan yang hidup di laut yang dalam bentuk badannya ramping dan dapat bergerak dengan cepat. Peristiwa ini adalah akibat adaptasi ikan terhadap lingkungan laut.

3. Sebatang besi lunak sukar dijadikan magnet tetap, karena ......
A. besi lunak tidak mempunyai magnet-magnet elementer
B. magnet-magnet elementer pada besi lunak tidak bisa diatur
C. besi lunak sukar ditembus garis-garis gaya magnet
D. magnet-magnet elementer pada besi lunak mudah teratur tetapi cepat tidak teratur

Jawaban : D
SMP/Ebtanas/Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam/Tahun 1989
Penyelesaian :
Besi lunak sukar dijadikan magnet tetap karena magnet-magnet elementer dalam besi mudah berputar.
Jadi mudah teratur dan mudah juga cepat tidak teratur.

4. Sebuah batu massanya 900 N diangkat dengan sebuah tuas. Bila lengan beban 50 cm dan lengan kuasanya 1,50 m, maka gaya yang diperlukan pada kuasa sekurang-kurangnya .......
A. 300 N
B. 400 N
C. 450 N
D. 550 N

Jawaban : A
SMP/Ebtanas/Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam/Tahun 1989
Penyelesaian :
Diketahui : MB = 900 N
Lb = 50 cm
Lk = 150 cm
Ditanya : Mk ...... ?
Jawab : Mb . LB = Mk . Lk

selamat belajar semoga bermanfaat Download


Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

how to read minds

progress continues to rise, many desires and fantasies are realized with the development of technology

Scientists from the United States has developed a way to read people's minds. Going forward, the ability to read minds might not be so special.

What do scientists actually is to reconstruct the words by waves in the brain of a patient who is thinking about the words in question.

To do this, scientists used a technique that relies on the collection of electrical signals directly from the patient's brain. Based on these signals, scientists use computer models to reconstruct the words that are being considered by the patient.

Studies conducted by mengimplantasi electrodes in the brains of patients. Patients were asked to listen to the conversation, while the scientists analyzed the frequency of the sound to determine what patients think.

"We focus on how the brain processes speech," said Brian Pasley, researchers from the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute at the University of California, Berkeley, California.

"Most of the information in a conversation between 1-8000 Hertz frequency. In essence, the brain to process sounds with different frequencies in different brain locations," said Pasley.

By detecting how and where the brain "put: noise in the temporal lobe (part of the brain in charge of the hearing), scientists can know the word is heard.

"When certain brain areas are activated, we know it is associated with the sounds of certain frequencies are heard," said Pasley told AFP on Wednesday (02/01/2012). "So we can use mapping and brain activity to a certain frequency sound meresintesis we're guessing," said Pasley.

Which is then mapped the structure of the scientist. The sound of "S" is a high frequency appear in certain areas of the brain. While the sound "U" appears in other parts of the brain.

To conduct this study, scientists asked 15 patients undergoing surgical tumor and epilepsy to become a volunteer.

The study itself for the first time in humans. Previously, the study has been done on the mongoose to see the voice that is heard by the animal.

Research will be continued to determine whether the process of listening to the words with the imagined voice or words.

Information obtained in this study and the follow-up can be very useful to know what he was thinking of people who have difficulty speaking.

Mindy McCumber of Florida Hospital in Orlando, as quoted by the BBC on Wednesday, saying, "As a therapist, I could see the potential implications for the restoration of communication for a variety of diseases."

"It's a big impact for patients who have spoken in the mechanism of biological damage due to stroke, Lou Gehrig's disease and unable to speak," added Robert Knight, professor of psychology and neuroscience from the University of California Berkeley.

The results of this study was published in the journal PLoS Biology in January 2012.


Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

pyramids are found on Mount Garut

is touted as the pyramids are found on Mount Garut Sadahurip later in the spotlight. It is said that the age pyramid is older than the Pyramids of Giza. Really?

Oxford University professor, Stephen Oppenheimer, had been asked to comment about the discovery of the pyramid after meeting with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Thursday (02/02/2012). Oppenheimer is also the author of best-selling book Eden in the East, said, "I have not seen the pyramid. I can not comment."

Oppenheimer said that Indonesia could have been a part of Atlantis, lost continent that once described by Plato. However, the discovery of the Pyramid Garut can not necessarily be evidence of Atlantis that has also been described in the book Arysio Santos.

"So far, about the pyramids and ancient monuments, I'm not sure there is solid evidence. I do not say no. I can not agree with what I do not see," said Oppenheimer.

Oppenheimer said in an interview, a necessary condition for a civilization to be able to build the pyramids of ancient buildings such as the availability of food resources. "You need a lot of farmers to feed the people in the city to build a great monument. Basis of civilization in the fields," said Oppenheimer.

Until now, not yet known whether any civilization in Indonesia whose age exceeds the Ancient Egyptian civilization capable of building a historic landmark.
Eden in the East, written Oppenheimer was not talking about ancient monuments, but rather on the roots of domestication and civilization.

